24 Foods That Contain Almost No Calorie

11 min readMar 31, 2020
24 Foods That Contain Almost No Calorie

Foods That Contain Almost No Calorie? What food can we freely consume as much as we want without losing weight? Is that really so? In today’s article, we will find out what those foods are, with very few calories.

Have you heard of the theory that there are foods that contain so few calories, that the energy needed to assimilate them is greater than their energy content?

The calorie intake of these foods will have an extremely minimal impact on calories and balance.

But at the same time, they can be useful, providing the body with vitamins, minerals and a sense of satiety.

Together, it can help if you stick to diet or nutrition.

Low-calorie vegetables

Radishes — 37 calories / 100 gr.
The most important plus in their consumption is the fact that they successfully lower blood pressure.

The benefit is most likely to come naturally, because it is all due to nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide upon absorption.

Nitrogen oxide, in turn, helps to relax and expand blood vessels.

It successfully improves blood flow to the body and reduces blood pressure within normal limits.
Cabbage — 21 calories / 100 gr.
Cabbage is part of the plant family, well known for its abundance of useful nutrients.

If you are trying to improve your diet, vegetables or cabbage should be at the top of your food list.

Many studies and various studies show that increasing consumption of vegetable foods such as cabbage is great for health.

Cabbage reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other possible illnesses and health problems.

It can also help boost the immune system.

These vegetables are also useful for increasing energy and reducing weight.
Celery — 8 calories / 100 gr.
Celery is an excellent source of antioxidants and enzymes.

It is rich in excellent ingredients such as vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and B6 vitamins.

It has been regularly used in medicine as an antihypertensive for centuries (it has benefits for the cardiovascular system).

As an antioxidant, it helps to improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Celery is great because it prevents cardiovascular disease.

Celery also contains a lot of dietary fiber.

With frequent consumption of celery, it helps with weight loss and gradually losing weight.

This vegetable acts as a diuretic and reduces swelling in the stomach.
Garlic — 149 calories / 100 gr.
Garlic is known for its powerful immunomodulatory properties.

If you often add one or two pieces of garlic to your food, it can help fight colds and is the prevention of various diseases in general.

It is rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and selenium.

It improves cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Garlic also contains many antioxidants that protect cells from premature aging and damage.

Eggplant — 15 calories / 100 gr.

It is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and much dietary fiber.

Helps lower cholesterol and control weight, it does not allow to gain weight.

It contains powerful antioxidants that protect the body from harmful effects.

Eggplant contains substances that are essential for proper brain function.

It helps move excess iron from the body.

Although iron is an essential nutrient needed to transport oxygen in the blood.

Which strengthens the immune system and synthesizes collagen, excessive amounts of iron can be harmful.
Broccoli — 31 calories / 100 gr.
Broccoli is often eaten boiled, but can also be eaten raw.

They are rich in vitamin C and contain a relatively high amount of ingredients such as protein.

They contain a unique combination of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory components that lead to detoxification of our body.

It is considered extremely useful food and cancer prevention.
Onions — 42 calories / 100 gr.
We all know that onions improve the taste of food when cooking, but there are other benefits.

It contains natural chemicals that help bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

They contain high levels of quercetin — an antioxidant that reduces the damage caused by free radicals.

It can also have a slight beneficial effect on regulating blood sugar levels.
Zucchini — 16 calories / 100 gr.
Zucchini can help reduce the risk of cancer and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

They have protective properties against a wide range of infections.

They are extremely suitable for diets, very often found on the diet menu.

All of this is due to the low-calorie content.
Cauliflower — 31 calories / 100 gr.
There are three different colors of cauliflower — white, purple and orange.

They are rich in many vitamins C, B1, and B2.

Cauliflower promotes heart health as it improves blood pressure and kidney function.

It also helps in the proper functioning of the brain.

Cauliflower is a good source of choline.

Choline can boost cognitive function and improve memory.
Spinach — 25 calories / 100 gr.
Spinach is one of the vegetables with high nutritional value.

Not only is it rich in vitamins and minerals, but also phytonutrients that act as powerful antioxidants to protect cell structures and DNA.

Spinach is a great source of iron.

We all remember the cartoon “For Popeye the Sailor”, how he gets strength when he eats spinach.

With its delicate sweet taste, it can be cooked (no more than 1 minute) or raw in the salad.

It improves blood pressure, reduces the risk of cancer, asthma.

Spinach helps to heal the bone system.

It is highly valued when it comes to diabetes because it helps to regulate blood sugar.
Cucumber — 10 calories / 100 gr.
Rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Magnesium.

Cucumbers help to avoid a lack of many nutrients.

They contain unique polyphenols and other compounds that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Group B vitamins are known to help reduce stress and depression.

In addition, cucumbers contain a lot of water and fiber.

These two things are the two leading factors for good digestion.
Asparagus — 25 calories / 100 gr.
Consumption of fresh asparagus helps with the right breathing frequency.

They are not absorbed immediately, and in the metabolism stay for a long time.

This metabolic activity includes oxygen uptake, decomposition of starches and sugars, and release of carbon dioxide.

Asparagus is a well-known vegetable in fitness circles due to its natural diuretic properties (it eliminates unnecessary amounts of water from the body).


Apples — 52 calories / 100 gr.
Apples are claimed to stimulate saliva production in the mouth and thus reduce the risk of cavities.

When it comes to caries, it is advisable to eat an apple at night if you are unable to brush your teeth.

Statistics show that people who eat at least one apple a day have excellent health.

The risk of diabetes is reduced by 28 percent compared to those who do not consume apples.

The high fiber presence helps to prevent the formation of bile stones.
Apricots — 48 calories / 100 gr.
They are rich in beta carotene.

It contains plant antioxidants, vitamins A and C, as well as polyphenolic antioxidants such as flavonoids that help reduce cardiovascular disease.

Apricots are rich in carotenoids and xanthophylls that scientists believe help protect the species from aging.

They are also a good source of dietary fiber.
Watermelon — 34 calories / 100 gr.
Prevents dehydration, helps combat hot weather in summer.

Watermelon has a light and refreshing taste, perfect for dessert.

Watermelons contain the antioxidant zeaxanthin which filters out harmful blue rays and is thought to play a protective role in eye health.

The risks of developing asthma are lower in people who consume melons and other foods rich in beta-carotene (most commonly found in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as melon, carrot, pumpkin).

Watermelons also contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline to help a healthy heart.

Consuming high potassium foods has a beneficial effect on lowering blood pressure as well as the risk of stroke.
Lemon — 28 calories / 100 gr.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory compounds.

They contain acid, which can help prevent breast cancer.

They contain ingredients that are great for helping the digestive system and can be used for nausea.
Grapefruit — 42 calories / 100 gr.
It has a low-calorie content but is full of nutrients and is an excellent source of vitamins A and B.

It helps maintain healthy skin, as well as lose weight and fight many diseases.

According to research citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit can reduce the risk of stroke.

Studies have shown that people who consumed citrus fruits reduced their risk of stroke by 19% compared to those who almost did not eat oranges and grapefruit.

Like the fruits and vegetables mentioned above, grapefruits also help lower blood pressure and the risk of asthma.

They are an excellent source of powerful antioxidants and vitamin C, helping to fight the creation of cancer-causing free radicals.

Studies show that foods high in vitamin C and beta-carotene reduce the risk of cancer.

An interesting fact about grapefruit is that it can also be applied locally to damaged skin, caused by sun or pollution.

Grapefruit reduces wrinkles and improves skin texture.
Melon — 30 calories / 100 gr.
Although the popular belief is that melon consists of only water and sugar, this is not true.

Melon provides a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and very low-calorie intake.

Consuming melon is thought to reduce the risk of obesity and overall mortality.

It also helps with diabetes, heart disease and contributes to healthy skin and hair, increases energy and helps reduce weight.

Like grapefruit, melon helps fight against the formation of cancerous cells.

It also contains high amounts of fiber, which helps prevent constipation and promote good digestive tract.

Due to its high water content of 92%, it successfully prevents the risk of dehydration.

Like watermelon, it helps in summer for refreshment and hydration.

It also contains Vitamin A, which is essential for the production of sebum and keeps hair hydrated, and is needed for the growth of all body tissues, including skin and hair.
Oranges — 47 calories / 100 gr.
Containing cancer-protecting phytochemicals, they are rich in citrus that have been proven to combat a large number of cancer variants.

A glass of orange juice a day will help prevent kidney disease and kidney stones.

Oranges are full of soluble fiber, which is extremely useful in lowering cholesterol.

They are also rich in vitamin C and successfully fight viral infections and colds.

They also contain carotenoids that turn into vitamin A and help maintain good eye health and protect eyes.
Blackberries — 43 calories / 100 gr.
The benefits of consuming blackberries include better health of the digestive system.

As well as boosting the immune system and heart health, as well as reducing the risk of cancer.

They provide cognitive benefits and boost memory, control weight and maintain healthy bones and system, improve vision.

They can serve as a valuable food during pregnancy because of the impressive range of healthy nutrients.

Vitamins provided by blackberries include Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) ).

They are also rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

An excellent source of amino acids and dietary fiber.
Papaya — 39 calories / 100 gr.
Possible health benefits of consuming papaya include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Papaya also helps improve digestion, improve blood sugar control in diabetics, lower blood pressure, and improve wound healing.

It contains antioxidant zeaxanthin which filters out harmful blue rays and is thought to play a protective role in eye health.

It has a large amount of vitamin K and vitamin A, which have a positive effect on hair health.

There are also many fibers that promote the best digestive tract.

Papaya is also used to treat wounds and problem skin if applied locally.
Red Blueberries — 46 calories / 100 gr.
Blueberries are considered superfoods and have a high content of antioxidants.

The biggest benefit is that they reduce the risk of urinary tract infections, prevent some cancers and improve the immune system, lower blood pressure.

High levels of proanthocyanidins (PACS) help reduce the retention of some bacteria on the walls of the urinary tract and in turn fight infections.

Some data suggest that blueberry polyphenols help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent platelet aggregation.

They are also useful for delaying tumor processes and have a positive impact on the fight against prostate, liver, ovarian and colon cancer.
Raspberries — 52 calories / 100 gr.
Many studies show that increasing consumption and consumption of plant foods like raspberries reduce the risk of obesity.

It also helps with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality.

Raspberries are rich in potassium, thanks to which they hold the heart firmly.

This also reduces the risk of stroke.

They also have a lot of fiber, which helps maintain a stable blood sugar level and thus the risk of diabetes is drastically reduced.

Increased fiber intake has been shown to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and help with weight loss and overweight.
Mushrooms — 22 calories / 100 gr.
They can have a positive effect on the immune system.

Consuming mushrooms also help lower blood pressure and stimulate efficient iron absorption.

They are thought to have a beneficial effect on joints and teeth.


In today’s article, we refer to foods that are low in calories.

Foods that are healthy and rich in vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients.

Consuming the above-mentioned vegetables and fruits will help boost health and boost the immune system.

This way you can add to a diet or diet a hundred times easier.

Most of these fruits and vegetables can also contribute to lowering cholesterol, blood sugar, stress, and depression, though these are just some of their many benefits.

Although the list contains only low-calorie foods and they all have different health benefits, if we were to use it for weight loss and fat reduction, consuming more vegetables in the menu and less fruit would be more reasonable.

The main reason is that fruits contain sugar, which can make it difficult to achieve the desired goals if you want to lose weight.

Fruit can also be eaten more easily and in large quantities.

Since it is much easier to consume 1 kg. watermelon, but 1 kg. celery, broccoli or cabbage is almost impossible for any of us.




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